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Welcome to OSCP CheatSheet

This is my personnal OSCP I will update through my journey to OSCP Feel free to use it as you wish , enjoy !

1st step to myself : Don't forget to update /etc/hosts !

update /etc/hosts
echo "$target_IP $target_domain" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Preparing VM (Kali on Macbook M2 Parallels)

/ ! \ : After an upgrade to last version, you have to upgrade parallels . Sometimes you have to do it manually :

You need to remount the Parallels Tools disk in exec mode, so cd /media && sudo umount cdrom0. If the device is busy then you can unmount by right clicking the disk from the Kali desktop. Once it’s unmounted, sudo mount -o exec /dev/cdrom cdrom to mount again and make executable, cd cdrom and sudo ./install.

Running the install should now work!

alias oscpvpn='sudo openvpn /home/parallels/Documents/oscp.ovpn'
export output_path='/opt/OSCP/ouputs/'
update_hosts() {
    if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
        echo "Usage: update_hosts <IP> <hostname>"
        return 1

    local ip="$1"
    local host="$2"

    # Check if the entry already exists in /etc/hosts
    if grep -q "$host" /etc/hosts; then
        echo "Hostname $host already exists in /etc/hosts. Updating IP address."
        sudo sed -i "s/^.*\b$host\b.*/$ip $host/" /etc/hosts
        echo "Adding $ip $host to /etc/hosts"
        echo "$ip $host" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null

    echo "Operation completed."


function set_terminal_title() {
  echo -en "\e]2;$@\a"

install burpsuite install dirsearch